This is the form you are using when you want to set the options that affect all extract and play functions.
Play with
Play with volume.
Play with pitch
Time Stretch
Slow down
to half speed without pitch shift.
Always save on exit
Rosoft CD Extractor saves the options when you exit the
Ask if save on exit
Rosoft CD Extractor asks if you want to save the
options when you exit the program.
Directory to save wave files in
The directory the recorded
files ends up in.
Add artist to file name
Add artist to file name you store when you record.
Add title to file name
Add title to file name you store when you record.
Add number to file name
Add number to file name you store when you record.
In Folder
If one of or
both check boxes is marked it means that you save the recorded the files in
sub directories. For example if both In Folder are checked it means that the
program creates the file in a subdirectory as
<Artist>\<Title>\<filename>. The subdirectory is created
in the default directory (see Directory to save
wave files in).
Remove first sec
this option is on then program start reading at start position plus one sec.
If this option is not checked the program starts reading at the position
given by the track list
Remove last sec
this option is on then program stop reading at the length minus one sec. If
this option is not checked the program stop reading at the position given by
the track list
Device Type
The device
driver used when ripping tracks.
Normal Copy
The program
reads the data from CD, then writes the data to the file. Some drives have
problems to find the position where we must continue with reading, the
allowed tolerantly is +/- 2 sec! If you have such a drive then you should
not use this mode.
Burst Copy
In this mode
we try to write to the file while we read from the CD so we have a continued
data stream and the drive must not search the position again.
Jitter Correction
this mode we try to synchronize the sectors between different reads from the
device. This is useful if your drive can not find the positions correctly as
described above (AKA Jitter Correction).
Buttons Save
options and closes the dialog.
Close the dialog
without saving any data.
pen this help file.